Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mr Taziker
Welcome to Year 4
Our year group author is M.G Leonard and we are enjoying reading many of her books.
Meet the Team
Mr Taziker (Teacher)
Mr Coombs (Teaching Assistant)
For more information about what we will be covering this year, please click on the file below to view our long term plan overview.
There are multiple websites that your child could use at home and will be using within class:
- (your child’s log in is inside their reading records).
- (A similar format to the test, giving your child 6 seconds per question and the 3 second interval between questions.
- Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
- In addition to practising online, checking your child’s recall of times tables in other ways will also help them, such as through games, chants or using visual resources.
Homework will be handed out on a Wednesday in their homework folders. This is to be returned the following Wednesday unless stated otherwise.
Reading in Year 4
Your child will bring home a reading book. We ask that our parents and carers find at least fiveminutes each night to read with their child. When your child reads at home, please ask them questions about what they have read to ensure a good understanding of the book.
General reminders for parents
- Please make sure your child is wearing the correct, labelled uniform. This includes appropriate footwear. Please tie long hair back. Children are not allowed to wear earrings on PE day..
- The children will be doing PE on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes into school in appropriate PE kit.