Nurture, Aspire, Believe, Achieve

Contact Us

Friends of Brierley

party lunch.jpgAt Brierley, we welcome support from our parents and carers in helping us to organise fundraising events for school.  Friends of Brierley thank you.jpgis a small but growing group of parents who offer ideas and help to organise and run various events in school, such as discos and school fairs. The money raised by these events goes directly towards experiences or resources for the children at Brierley.  Most recently, we have raised money to pay for Zoo 2U to come in and offer fantastic animal workshops which supported the children's learning in science.  

Friends of Brierley meet at least once per term and we encourage parents and carers to join these meetings whenever they can. The meetings are friendly and informal and offer a chance for parents to voice what events they would like to see happen in school and suggest ways we can raise funds. We currently run one disco each term and a summer and Christmas fair.  The more support we can gather, the more we would love to extend this list.  Our meetings are advertised on our school Facebook page and via our School Spider app. If you would like to come along please feel free to join us at our next meeting - we'd love to see you!





zoo 2u.jpg                 zoo 2 u.jpg                      raffle.jpg                                  halloween disco.jpg


Lets Connect...We Would love to hear from you!

Brierley Primary School

Mirion Street, Crewe,
Cheshire, CW1 2AZ

Admin contact

Vikki Baker 01270 698840

SENDCO | Hayley Cunningham