Nurture, Aspire, Believe, Achieve

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As a parent or carer you can play a vital role in your child’s education, including homework.


We ask that our parents and carers support our children in their journey to becoming a confident and fluent reader who enjoys reading and reads to learn.  Please find the time to read with your child for at least five to ten minutes each night and sign their reading diary to let their class teacher know what they have read and how it went. Reading and re-reading out loud play an important part on children being able to read with fluency, accuracy and good expression.  It is also important that they have a good understanding of what they have read and are able to discuss the book, the vocabulary within it and answer questions about what they have read.

Homework Tasks

Homework tasks are sent out and collected in on a weekly basis.  The focus of these tasks differs from one class to another but are generally focused on reading, spelling and maths.  The main purpose of our homework tasks is to provide extra practise for children to be able to consolidate what they have learnt in class.  It also provides parents and carers with an insight into what they are currently learning in class.

Times Tables is also extremely important: by the end of Year 4, children should have a rapid recall of times tables facts and also be able to say the division facts too eg 7×8=56 and therefore also 56÷7=8. ‘Rapid recall’ should be within around five seconds – they should not have to count through the tables facts to get there.

Our Topic Homework Tasks

Sometimes our homework tasks are based on topics which are part of the wider curriculum, for example history or science.  These will often include creative tasks such as art work, making models and creating PowerPoint presentations to share in class.

Speaking and Listening Tasks

Occasionally, we set homework tasks which focus on speaking and listening skills.  Our children enjoy the opporiutniyt to be the teacher and share topics which they are particulalry interested in with the rest of their class. This is a great opportunity for the children to develop their speaking skills and to feel proud of their achievements.

Please support your child in completing their homework tasks, taking care with presentation and trying their best.  You can help by encouraging, discussing ideas and by ensuring your child has a good working space at home. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions related to homework.

Lets Connect...We Would love to hear from you!

Brierley Primary School

Mirion Street, Crewe,
Cheshire, CW1 2AZ

Admin contact

Vikki Baker 01270 698840

SENDCO | Hayley Cunningham