Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mr Draper
Welcome to Year 5
Staff: We are very lucky to have a wide range of staff helping to teach in Year 5 this year. Each will be bringing their own set of skills and interest to help children get a wide experience of the curriculum and develop their learning.
- Mr Draper (Teacher)
- Mr Foulkes (Teacher)
- Mrs Faddes (Teacher)
- Mr Williamson (Teacher)
- Mrs Proudman (Teaching Assistant)
- Mrs Anderton (Teaching Assistant)
- Mr Coombs (Teaching Assistant)
Year 5 Expectations: We are all excited for this new school year. As your child moves up to year 5 we will expect them to have a good level of organisation – remembering P.E. kits, reading books and other personal belongings. When they come in to school in the morning and after break and lunchtimes, we expect them to be ready to learn. The children are responsible for their behaviour, ensuring positive learning attitudes and respect for all members of staff and their peers. Most of all, children will be expected to try their best and to enjoy the year!
PE days: Our class PE days will be on Monday, Thursday and Friday. On these days, children are expected to turn up with their full PE kit in the mornings. This includes: a white t-shirt, black/navy blue shorts/jogging bottoms and suitable trainers.
If your child wears earrings, we ask that on a PE day these are taken out in advance as the staff are unable to do this. Children will not be permitted to take part in PE if they are wearing earrings (this includes if they are taped up).
On all other days, children will be expected to arrive in their normal Brierley School uniform.
Homework: Year 5 set homework on Wednesdays and it will be expected to be completed and returned by the following Wednesday. This will consist of a piece of Maths, Reading and SPaG work. We encourage the children to bring back their completed work as soon as possible before the due date. Additionally, in Year 5 we treasure the importance of reading. This can be greatly assisted by parents being involved with their children’s journey. We encourage parents to read with their children as much as possible and children to read daily. This will provide them with a fantastic foundation to develop the rest of their learning (even including Maths!!).
At Brierley we also promote Speaking and Listening days. Giving the children an opportunity to research a topic of their own and then share this with the rest of the class. These Speaking and Listening days will be reminded to the children in advance. They will be given a short slot fo time to then teach their topic of choice to the class. Our first Speaking and Listening topic is on: ‘Inspirational Characters’ (October 2024)
Useful websites: