Collective Worship
At Brierley we believe it is essential for children to appreciate the beliefs and values of others. We strive to achieve this through daily collective worship as a whole school or as a class. During collective worship we come together to learn from a range of stories and songs. Here, pupils are able to share experiences and reflect on issues raised. Our assemblies often focus on collective worship using sources and through exploring key questions. We also work closely with St Peters Church and make visits - or invite the Reverend into school - to celebrate significant dates in the calendar, throughout the year. Every week we celebrate the children’s excellent achievements as a whole school during our ‘Celebration Assembly’, where hardworking pupils are rewarded with a certificate.
We follow the Cheshire Syllabus for Religious Education and present Religious Education in a balanced way as part of the children’s learning experiences; utilising outside church leaders where possible. Multi-faith topics are introduced and taught from a non-biased perspective. Children are actively encouraged to share their faiths. We have regular assemblies, or act of collective worship which is broadly Christian in nature.
Parents have a right to withdraw their children from Religious Education and from the daily act of collective worship if they wish to do so. Please discuss your views with the Headteacher in the first instance.