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Sport and physical activity play a prominent part in school life at Brierley and we encourage all of our pupils to take part in extra-curricular sport. Many of our pupils take part in the wide-range of House Cup activities at lunchtimes: football, netball, dodgeball, hockey, gymnastics, athletics and cricket. We are proud members of the Crewe & Nantwich School Sports Partnership and take part in the majority of events on offer. Where possible, we try to enter B and C teams into competitions in order to increase participation and give as many pupils as possible the chance to represent our school. Despite being a relatively small school, we have had lots of success over the past few years, including visits to the Cheshire County Finals in Hockey, Netball, Boys' Cricket, Girls' Cricket and Dodgeball.

We try to make all subjects as active as possible and are committed to providing each child with at least 30 minutes physical activity per day as part of the government’s 60 active minutes per day scheme. This is done through PE lessons, Forest School, active playtimes, active lessons and short activity breaks in between lessons.  

Every child is invited to take part in our extra-curricular sports clubs and priority is given to those who have not attended previously. All of our clubs are free, as we believe that the opportunity should be accessible to all children. We supplement our school sports offer with the use of external, specialist coaches for sports such as Boxing, Taekwondo, Cricket, Gymnastics, Street Dance and Cheerleading.

We were first awarded the Gold School Games Award in 2016/17 (which we have received every year since!) before acheiving the much-coverted Platiunum School Games Award in 2022/23, which shows our commitment to school sport and our belief in the positive impact sport can have on our children.




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Brierley Primary School

Mirion Street, Crewe,
Cheshire, CW1 2AZ

Admin contact

Vikki Baker 01270 698840

SENDCO | Hayley Cunningham